Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Determine by Label

In the classroom discussion about the label and already identify a person who you knew or have seen that person always do. Not by saying that person's name but recognize and familiar the character when you already once knew about the person. After that I started to think of something and try to identify a few student in classroom. It was a bit difficult when I am trying to determine on a student of their trends. Its hard for me to insight a bunch thing about their character. But, people guarantee will identify me as a deaf person that's the tall guy always sit in the back of the class room, make sense. To them, I will just say general how they act or maybe they already expressed their weird stories that I can remember by label that person. Well, good thing it's not a psychology class that always have lots of terms to use by saying a specific categorizes. But, gladly this course is just general and visualize my thinkable.

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